Do you need a knee physiotherapist? Knee pain is one of the most common injuries we see at our clinic. Furthermore, knee pain comes in many different forms.


soccer player with knee pain waiting for physio

What kinds of knee pain do you treat?

  • Patellar/Kneecap Tendon pain
  • Ligament injuries – ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL
  • Patellar/Kneecap ‘misalignment’ or dislocation
  • Osteoarthritis or Arthritis
  • Meniscus tears
  • Weak muscles of the knees
  • Bakers’ Cysts

Will your knee physio stop me from exercising because of my knee pain?

Foremost, we will always try to avoid stopping you from exercising – we want to keep you moving! In fact, we’ll often give you exercises to complete that will reduce your pain and help you return to your ideal exercise as soon as possible.

However, if we do recommend to reduce certain activities for a short while, we will provide you with modifications or alternatives.

What kind of treatment will you do for my knees?

Above all, your treatment is completely specific for you. Therefore our knee physio may use any of the following:

  • Massage/Active Release Techniques
  • Dry needling
  • Strength Exercises
  • Control/Balance Exercises
  • Mobility/Flexibility Exercises
  • Running training/Coaching

How can I make an appointment?

To book online at our Essendon clinic, click HERE.

Finally, to meet our Physiotherapists, click HERE.

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