Physiotherapy for Foot & Ankle Melbourne.

Melbourne Physiotherapy foot and ankle injury


Our MCAP physiotherapists are skilled in physiotherapy for the foot and ankle.

Furthermore, we are lucky enough to have MCAP podiatrists working under the same roof – meaning we can refer to each other as needed. Therefore, you can rest assured you’re getting the best possible treatment plan for your foot and ankle injuries.

What foot and ankle conditions can a Physiotherapist help with?

  • Ankle sprains and torn ligaments
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Calf strain
  • Foot Drop
  • Tibia or fibula fracture
  • Stress fractures
  • Shin splints
  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
  • Turf Toe
  • Lisfranc injury
  • Jones Fracture
  • Dancers’ heel
  • Dancers fracture
  • Severs Disease
  • Ankle Impingement

What tests will the physiotherapist do?

Our physiotherapists will perform many tests to diagnose your injury. Sometimes the tests can be painful, as our physiotherapist may need to reproduce your painful symptoms in order to work out your problem. As a result, this could include moving the ankle and foot joints and ligaments to test for excessive or lack of mobility, palpating and putting the muscles on stretch.

Furthermore, our physiotherapists will want to watch how you move. Because foot and ankle issues can be related to other injuries of the knee and the hip, you may be asked to run, hop and jump. Again, these may be painful, but within very safe limits.

If the physiotherapist believes there is a problem we can’t see with our eyes, you may be sent for imaging. These include X-Ray, MRI, CT or Ultrasound.

If your injury requires a surgeon’s opinion, we will be able to refer you on quickly and easily.

What if I need a Podiatrist?

No problem! At MCAP, our physiotherapists and podiatrists work right across the hall from each other. This means we can easily refer you on, without you having to explain your injuries. Furthermore, your podiatrist will know the plan from your physiotherapist, meaning everyone is on the same page!

To meet our Physiotherapists and Podiatrists, click here.

To make an appointment at our Essendon clinic, click here.

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